Law Firm
The Paduszynski Law Firm was first established in 1996. Our practice is built on a framework of legally trained and dedicated specialists who provide a full range of legal comprehensive services to consumers ranging from private and institutional clients and applying specific solutions to problems posed on an ad hoc basis.
Our reliable approach, extensive expertise and high level of engagement in handling cases have earned us our clients’ trust and long-term loyalty.
Our solicitors represent and offer advice to corporate clients, state and private businesses both from Poland and foreign countries. We offer legal expertise and detailed guidance in handling court cases all over Poland. Our recent practice has involved international arbitration as well as representing clients in the High and Appeal Courts.
Legal Specialty Areas
Commercial Contracts, Investment Contracts, Real Estate
Since the very beginning our law firm has represented our clients in negotiating trade and investment contracts. Our dedicated team have successfully represented both capital investors and partnership owners seeking support in negotiations over partnership joining and transfers.
Corporate Law
We have extensive experience over many years advising our clients in their day-to-day business and partnerships operations, as well as instructing shareholders and equity partners in protecting their corporate rights in partnerships.
Civil, Family and Commercial Proceedings
The civil and commercial proceedings regulations have been standardised for a number of years. We represent both legal and private individuals helping them in enforcing rights in Common and Arbitration Courts as well as in negotiating agreements beyond court.
Public Procurement Law
Our law firm has been experienced for years in giving successful guidance on public procurement procedures and offering advice and representing clients by addressing problems from the different perspectives of the procuring entities and of all the parties involved.
Intellectual Property Law
We participate as a legal entity in preparation of court proceedings and also organisation of our clients’ documentation. For many years we have been successfully advising our clients on industrial property rights and copyright law.
Criminal Law
Our solicitors specialize in representing victims in criminal defence proceedings, claiming compensations from culprits as well as defending white-collar workers, i.e. entrepreneurs, managers, and office clerks who have been entangled in legal disputes of a criminal nature.
Piotr Paduszyński Attorney at Law
Unrivalled Experience
Piotr Paduszynski graduated from MA in Law and Sociology at University of Lodz. In 1990 his career started in the President’s Ministerial Office where he participated in planning the Council of Ministers agendas as well as managing the Government Legislation Centre. He has run his legal practice since 1996.
He has wide experience in financial supervision and is and has dealt with business entities’ problems at a fundamental level. He has held the function of the vice-president of the Board of Trustees of Rainbow Tour Inc as well as of the President of the Board of Trustees of Lodz Radio Inc. He is a legal apprentices’ end-term sessions invigilator and lecturer on Civil Procedural Law. He is fluent in Polish, English and Russian.
Experience in Legislation
Piotr Paduszynski has extensive experience in advising on legislative initiatives, amendment of the criminal code and of civil procedure. In addition he designed a draft of Partnerships Act, proposed by Parliamentary Club of the Civic Platform and discussed by 7th Polish Parliament. Piotr Paduszynski has advised on many occasions on Parliamentary Questions.
In 2004, Piotr Paduszynski received a critical acclaim from the Wprost weekly experts which included law professors, politicians and journalists. He was acclaimed for displaying the greatest legal mastery of last 5 years, and which was best demonstrated by repossession of - one of the best known and dangerous Lodz Ośmiornica (Octopus) mafia assets. In 2010, Piotr Paduszynski received the largest reward for representing victims of Press infringement of personal property, which paved his way to helping others disadvantaged by cases of unreliable press publishing, in successfully claiming appropriately high contributions. In 2010 he was first to contribute to global recognition of Polish court jurisdiction relating to personal property infringing cases against the world’s most powerful search engine owners.
Media Coverage
- Proces w sprawie czyścicieli kamienic. Kolejni świadkowie (cz.2)
- Działacze PZPS kopiują najgorsze wzory z PZPN. "Nie może Pan tego publikować!"
- Google można pozwać w Polsce (cz.2)
- Orły Temidy
- Majątki nietykalne (cz.2)
- Afera Infoleksu wróci jednak do sądu?
- Ugoda Zdanowskiej i Antosa. Koniec "afery barowej"?Sprawa baru na Fali w sądzie (cz.2)
- Na czym polega konfiskata rozszerzona? Tłumaczy mec. Piotr Paduszyński (audycja)
- "Ludzie nie zapomną. Odczuwam to do dziś" - skutki interwencji Krzysztofa Rutkowskiego
- Mec. Paduszyński: To jeszcze nie koniec sprawy Beaty Sawickiej (Wywiad)
- Działacze Widzewa zaskarżyli decyzję komornika (cz.2)
- "Jak za Gomułki". Państwo odbiera, bo musi?
- Papa D., a nie Papa Dance. Muzycy zapłacą milion za używanie nazwy bez zgody? (cz.2) (cz.3)
- Kto komu ukradł związki partnerskie, i co w tym wszystkim robią prawnicy z Łodzi?
- Piotr Paduszyński, łódzki prawnik, złoży zawiadomienie na Beatę Kempę
- Zapiewajło ryczał po śmierci Wejcherta, Legia gotowa na starcie w sądzie
- "Fakt" ma zapłacić rekordowe odszkodowanie za porno tarnobrzeskiej gimnazjalistki (cz.2) (cz.3) (cz.4)
- Pakistańczyk skazany za zabójstwo na 15 lat więzienia
- Warszawa oskarża Łódź o plagiat. Prawnicy: Ale... o co chodzi?
- "Prawo nie może stać się dziuplą, w której złodziej ukryje swój majątek" (cz.2)
- Więzienie dla byłego wiceprezydenta Łodzi
- Do więzienia za nagie zdjęcia w sieci (cz.2) (cz.3)
- UMŁ ujawnił dane i zarobki stażystów MOPS
- Polityków i PZPN układ z kibolami (cz.2)
- "Ktoś zamienia prawo w grę manewrową"
- Sprawa Stefanii Sulińskiej (cz.2)
- Jak TW Nowak został komornikiem
- Kochanie mamy długi
- Proces apelacyjny byłego szefa ZUS w Łodzi
- Badanie księgi wieczystej
- "Wprost" zapłaci największe odszkodowanie w historii polskich mediów?
- Pijani rowerzyści wiozą śmierć. Bezkarnie
- Prawdopodobnie ktoś oszukał rząd USA
- Jedyny sposób, by Mariusz T. mógł zmienić nazwisko, to się ożenić i przyjąć nazwisko żony
- al. Kościuszki 52, lok.5, 90-428 Łódź, Poland
- +48 (42) 639 85 71
- +48 (42) 639 72 04